Thursday, March 6, 2014

0.72 miles in 20 mins, and I felt every bit of it.

All right, so adding 5 mins was a bit ambitious because that workout was significantly harder than last night's, but I'm going to try to keep it up.  Today I had a stressful day at work and ate poorly, so that probably didn't help me feel energized for my workout.  Even so, hopefully the longer workout partially made up for the bad food.

One thing that is a little concerning though is that I had a couple dizziness spells while I was on the treadmill tonight.  I continued walking, but had to hold on to the rails.  I did experience occasional dizziness before I was on levothyroxine, particularly when going up the stairs, but hadn't really experienced dizziness since then.  I stopped the levothyroxine months ago, and hadn't had the dizziness return, but this is just a reminder that I need to get my health insurance squared away and get my ass to a doctor.  Which really sucks because I am still paying off my bills from last year.  Oh well.

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