Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The support of your loved ones is important to your success

I am lucky to have the support of my bf in implementing changes to improve my life.  Due to past experiences with being incredibly broke, I have incredible anxiety about spending money.  And when I say broke, I don't mean "haha we're having ramen again so we can go drinking this weekend."  I mean "sleeping in a van waking up fearing our truck is being re-possessed every time the garbage truck drives by" broke.

So when I decided to buy a treadmill, I knew I was going to spend at least $400 on it.  I had the treadmill in my cart for days before I could actually get myself to check out.  And it's not that I didn't have the money, my tax refund had come in and the bills had been paid with my paycheck, I just had a mental block of "what if something happens and I NEED this money?" which was very hard to overcome.

But I finally did buy the treadmill, and the next day, my bf surprised me by sending me a zappos gift card to buy some shoes.  I am the worst for wearing shoes, underwear, socks, etc. until they fall apart.  The shoes I wear to work were purchased five years ago, but they still have some life in them, so I keep wearing them.  They're a $50 pair of black athletic shoes, so nothing spectacular.  But with my bf's gift, and with me not having to worry about the shoes looking okay at work, I was able to buy some proper athletic shoes with good support which felt amazing on the treadmill last night.  The shoes are actually kinda cute too.  They're black and pink and I love them.

The other thing about the shoes is that now my bf has monetarily invested in my plans, so if I fail, I'm not just letting me down, I'm letting him down.  He thought he was just being sweet, but he is also helping to motivate me.

I am very lucky to have his support.

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