Tuesday, April 8, 2014

20lbs down as of today

I hit a little bit of a stumbling block since my last update.  Spring break happened, and while I'm not in school and don't get any time off, my bf and my brother did get time off.  I took a little bit of a break while my brother was visiting, and put back on a few pounds.  Then the week after spring break, I was deathly ill with some awful flu, so I certainly wasn't walking.  So right now I'm getting back into the swing of things, and I've finally got myself back into a place where I'm making progress again.

When things don't go the way I want them to, I have had the tendency to just give up.  "It's not happening exactly the way I planned, so I'm done trying."  I'm trying to be better about this, and I'm happy to continue making progress even if I've slipped up here and there.

20lbs is an awesome milestone, so I'm going to pat myself on the back a little bit, but carry on and keep pushing through.  20 down, 260 to go!